Primary News

News from the Primary Coordinator

Phewww! What a busy term indeed! There has been so much teaching, learning and having fun this term including our Annual School Concert which took place in early September. This year our students had a Junior and Senior Performance. It is so wonderful being part of watching the school grow and the number of our students increase. For this reason, this year we split out performances to allow for a more enjoyable and smooth running concert. Our students did a fabulous job and I was proud of each and every one of them.

This term we also had Science, Literacy and Numeracy Week which involved a whole heap of Science Activities including our Poster and Paper plane flying competition. Some of our Literacy and Numeracy Activities included the Super Duper Musical Incursion for lower, the famous illustrator Craig Smith who came in for upper, Book Swap, our Character Parade and also Professor Maths.

The Year 5 and 6 students will also be going on Camp to Cave Hill Creek on the last week of school. They are all very excited as they will be taking part in activities including hut building, bouldering wall, low rope initiatives, archery, bushwalking and also watching the birds of prey show. We hope that it will be a fun and memorable experience for all of them.

Please take the time to also read your child’s class news and view the some of the fantastic pictures we have taken throughout the term.

I hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable break and see you all back at school next term.

Reminder: School Starts on Monday the 9th of October

Primary Classroom News

Prep A

During Integrated Studies we have been learning about different materials and their properties. The children have sorted materials into groups and made silly faces using these materials. They have also used paper to make absorbent art. The children also considered what might happen if a car was made from paper. It could create some interesting problems indeed!

Ms Temple